Artwork by Isabella Latorre
Kampong Kanchel
Kampong Kanchel is an upcoming adventure game set in 1900s Malaysia.
Kanchel is a popular character well-known by anyone who has grown up in Malaysia and Singapore. As a cheeky mousedeer, Kanchel, tricks tigers, crocodiles and monkeys as he makes his way about the jungle.
genre - adventure
Bear Bear Media
is the games arm for Subsidia Pty Ltd, a family owned company based in Sydney.
While Bare Bear Media
is the publishing arm.
The owners of have over 50 years experience in environmental and resource regulation management, education and administration.
Bare Bear Media is proud to announce the launch of
Learn Baba Malay in BITE SIZED portions
Launched on the 6th of September 2022
Precious Baba Malay is about to go extinct, but you can reverse the process by learning Baba Malay in clearly defined steps. This treasured language can be a part of your life, hopefully to be revived as it is spread through sharing this didactic method.
Former assessor and examiner of the Higher School Certificate (NSW, Australia), Theresa Fuller, known fondly in the Peranakan community as Bibek Theresa, draws on her years of experience in the classroom to create the Baba Malay Today series – a range of chapter books with an easy-to-follow curriculum aimed at the beginner.
Books 1 & 2 - Interrogatory published in September 2022
Book 3 - Conjunctions published 2 Jan 2023
Book 4 - Prepositions published 16 June 2023
Book 5 - Antonyms 26 June 2023
Book 6 - The Essence of Baba Malay published 24 May 2024
Book 7 - The Poetry of Baba Malay coming 2025
Book 8 - The Idioms of Baba Malay coming 2026
While the first 5 books are on grammar, Book 6 is about what makes Baba Malay unique.
Baba Malay Today Series.
Coming soon - New Peranakan Tales - a series of readers to accompany the Baba Malay Today series. Whatever your level. Whatever your interest. Let's love, learn and live our language.
Gua Pi Keday or I went to the Shops - The first book in the New Peranakan Tales series. Coming Soon!
With the rise in interest in all things Peranakan and a revival in the use of Baba Malay, Theresa Fuller has created a much-needed children's beginner book to learn Baba Malay.
Theresa Fuller is a qualified high school teacher, and former Higher School Certificate (H.S.C.) assessor and examiner (Board of Studies, New South Wales). The author draws on her years of experience in the classroom to simplify the process. Sweet and simple, if you are interested in learning Baba Malay then this is the way to go!
These chapter books provide an introduction to Baba Malay in bite-size portions!
Dr Marc Sebastian Rerceretnam
Author, A History of Immigrant Roman Catholics and Converts in Early Singapore 1832-1945
Sydney Australia
“A simple but thoughtfully put together book that will ignite interest in the learner to what is fast becoming an extinct language - Baba Malay. With its clear examples and practices,
it will take the learner on a journey to discover a unique language used by a small but vibrant community."
Rosalind Ang (born to a lovely nonya with roots in Brunei)
Retired educator with 40 years of teaching elementary and high school students
"Linguists would classify a language as effectively dead when it is no longer the language of communication, or when only a few elderly speakers remain. When most would say, 'Who cares?' Theresa who now lives in Sydney, Australia, would not just brush it off as Baba Malay is the language of her ancestors in Southeast Asia. When a language is dead, gone are all the traditions and aspects of the culture. Theresa has made quite a serious and tangible attempt to preserve the language of her Southeast Asian ancestors from extinction. Hence, Theresa's series of books on Baba Malay is to be applauded!"
Dr Daud H. Soesilo
Indonesian translation coordinator. Recipient President' award for excellence in preaching, Asbury Seminary, 1980, Juris Doctor Owen prize Vanderbilt University, 1981. Chairman board directors, East Java Christian University, Malang, 1994. Member Society Biblical Literature, Indonesian Linguistic Society, Theta Phi.
Bare Bear Media is also proud to announce the launch of WHERE CRANES WEAVE AND BAMBOO SINGS, 'A Visual Narrative Workbook for Teachers and Writers', by Theresa Fuller published in 2023!
Illustrator: Peggy Sands
The Write Start: A Visual Narrative Workbook for Teachers and Writers"
Drawing on stories from around the world, Sydney author and teacher Theresa Fuller creates an easy to follow, visually stimulating workbook on creating narrative fiction. Suitable for all new writers from 7 years and older, it is a work that can be used by schools or individuals to learn the core elements of storytelling.
Although this workbook on the structure of narrative is initially addressed to teachers, students at all stages of their writing journey will find helpful advice here on how to begin writing imaginative stories, or how to revise and refresh their understanding of narrative structure if they already have some experience. The author's use of colour coding in the design is particularly helpful in identifying such narrative tropes as the protagonist's goal, complications, conflict and resolution. Conscious that we learn in different ways, Fuller also uses bold type and numerical checklists to make these elements accessible.
The title, 'Where Cranes Weave and Bamboo Sings', signals the southeast Asian origin of some of the narrative examples included, which is an appealing feature of the content, and derives from the author's passionate advocacy of her own Malay ancestry and her commitment to cross-cultural inclusion. I was slightly concerned that the first traditional story cited - 'Noah and the Ark' - might indicate a more conservative selection of examples than I had hoped for, and it is true that some teachers will wish for a more adventurous and inclusive selection. But Fuller is wise to resist appropriating First Nations stories, for example. Their storytellers have that project well underway. And the range of sources here will inspire curious students and their teachers to explore further.
Fuller's explanations of the ways a story works are expressed simply and with colloquial warmth, so no teacher or student need feel intimidated by the fear that imaginative storytelling is too hard to try. And the couple of occasions when the stories chosen vacillate inconsistently between present and past tense don't disrupt her argument for long and can even be used as material for editing - a topic that is usefully included for more experienced writers.
No single work can be expected to cover the needs of all writing teachers and their students, but 'Where Cranes Weave and Bamboo Sings' is an impressive achievement and an attractive complement to popular handbooks by writers including Libby Gleeson and Mem Fox, and standard guides to scriptwriting by Syd Field and Blake Snyder. It will find a place in every school library and writing classroom.
Dr Mark MacLeod
Dr Mark Macleod is a writer and editor for children, Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Charles Sturt University and chair of TasWriters, the writers centre in Hobart, Tasmania. He has taught Children’s Literature, Australian Literature and Creative Writing at universities in Australia and around the world, most recently in India at Mumbai University and Sikkim University. His publishing career focuses on narrative texts as agents for change. He has been Publishing Director at Random House, Publisher at Hachette Australia, President and Publishing Director of independent picture book publisher Dirt Lane Press, and freelance editor for publishers including Walker Books Australia, University of Queensland Press, Omnibus Books, ABC Books and Queer Ink, India.
"Where Cranes Weave and Bamboo Sings" is a valuable resource for speech pathologists and teachers working with children on reading comprehension, narrative structures, and visualisation skills. The workbook's gradual progression of complexity, from simple stories to more intricate narratives, provides a tailored approach for individualized support. The incorporation of illustrations enhances engagement, making it an effective tool for diverse learning styles. Clear and concise instructions, coupled with notes for the user, make this workbook a user-friendly asset for narrative development in children."
Melanie Arthur
Speech Pathologist - Sydney, NSW, Australia
"Where Cranes Weave and Bamboo sings" is a unique addition to the teaching of narrative. The very beginning writer, even the kindergarten student can follow the simple breakdown of what makes a story. The layout of beginning middle and end is explained and the young writer is led to practise and respond to multiple stories. The text is well designed and colour and black line drawings create variation in the pages that stimulate the reader. This is a worthwhile addition to the teaching tools available in primary classrooms and the workshop activities among older aspiring writers."
Libby Gleeson
Winner of the Nan Chauncy Award, Prime Minister's Literary Award, Dromken Medal, NSW Premier's Literary Award, Member of the Order of Australia.
Lands Below the Winds Series
The Lands Below the Winds is a series of folktales from Southeast Asia.
The Lands below the Winds was the name given by the ancient Arabians and Persians for the countries of Southeast Asia which lay below the typhoon belt. Other names were Suvarnabhumi, Sovannah Phoum, Suvarnadvipa (Golden Islands) offered by the Indians, Nanyang (South Seas) by the Chinese and Nanyo by the Japanese.
The Lands below the Winds was the gateway to the Spice Islands, an area fought over and even today, integral to world trade and commerce.
Malaya – Land of Eternal Summer also known as the Golden Chersonese, ancient Melaka, Bumi Kenyalang (Sarawak - Land of the Hornbills - the messengers to the gods) and even the fabled Temasek, all had reputations beyond their borders. Here then, are some of their myths and legends.
Folktales from Southeast Asia with a strong emphasis on girls who saved their people. All books contain illustrations, notes, and a glossary.
Books in the series:
The Girl Who Became an Island - Coming (Folktales from Singapore.)
The Girl Who Became a Goddess (Folktales from Singapore, Malaysia and China.)
The Girl Sudan Painted like a Gold Ring (Folktales from the Sea Dyaks of Sarawak, Borneo.)
Also COMING - Eating the Liver of the Earth - Mousedeer Tales
Books published by Bare Bear Media:
The Girl Sudan painted like a Gold Ring - A collection of folktales from Borneo. Lands Below the Winds Series
The Girl Who Became a Goddess - A collection of folktales from Singapore. Malaysia and China. Lands Below the Winds Series
The Ghost Engine, a YA Steampunk.
Click on covers to see more.
Both are by author Theresa Fuller.